18 May 2024

UP Mycompany, Blog d’informations Marketing et Business

Recent publications

Le charisme

Charisma, the indispensable asset in the business world of 2024 

Dans un monde des affaires en constante évolution, où la communication et le leadership sont essentiels, le charisme apparaît comme un atout majeur pour réussir. Mais qu’est-ce que le charisme exactement ? Comment se développe-t-il ? Et pourquoi est-il si important dans le monde des…


How to find new prospects for your business? 

The search for new prospects is an essential step for any company wishing to develop its business. Without new prospects, there will be no new sales, no new customers, and therefore no growth. There are many different strategies for finding new prospects...


TikTok: a profitable business in 2024 

TikTok is a short video-sharing social network that became the world's most downloaded application in 2022. With over a billion monthly active users, it offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to create profitable businesses. Why is TikTok a good...

soirée d'affaire

Protocol for organizing a business event 

Les soirées d’affaires sont des événements importants pour les entreprises. Elles permettent de créer du lien entre les collaborateurs, de développer le réseau professionnel et de célébrer des événements importants. Pour que la soirée d’affaire soit un succès, il est important de respecter certaines règles…

marketing classique

All about classic marketing 

What is classic marketing? Classic marketing is a discipline that aims to understand consumers' needs and adapt companies' offerings to meet them. It is an essential part of any company's commercial strategy, whatever its size...


Become a business leader: strategies and tips 

When it comes to business leadership, the road to success is paved with exciting challenges and opportunities. In this article, we'll explore strategies and tips to guide any entrepreneur in becoming a business leader. Learn the basics of business leadership...
